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News Release


July 16, 2021 | Updated: Nov. 9, 2021

For the fifth time in seven years, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) has recognized Northwest Missouri State University with an Excellence and Innovation Award, 这一次表彰了该机构对COVID-19大流行的反应.

AASCU selected Northwest to receive its 2021 AASCU Excellence and Innovation Award for Campus Pandemic Response in the rural category. Northwest’s submission, “学习与成功:澳门网上博彩官方网站管理疫情的哲学”,” was selected by the awards committee for its outstanding results and potential to influence and serve as a model for other institutions.

Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski greeted students by bumping their elbows as they walked to classes during the first day of the fall 2020 semester. 这所大学的秋季入学人数是其115年历史上最高的. (<a href=''>澳门网上博彩官方网站</a>摄)

Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski greeted students by bumping their elbows as they walked to classes during the first day of the fall 2020 semester. 这所大学的秋季入学人数是其115年历史上最高的. (澳门网上博彩官方网站摄)

澳门网上博彩官方网站澳门网上博彩官方网站对AASCU的国家认可感到谦卑,”澳门网上博彩官方网站校长Dr. John Jasinski said. “澳门网上博彩官方网站的大流行应对措施并没有考虑到获奖, but this recognition validates our approach and deployment thereof as well as Northwest’s role model status. The unbelievable hard work, dedication, perseverance and resilience of our student body and entire faculty and staff are truly the hallmarks of this recognition. 澳门网上博彩官方网站从一开始就说过,澳门网上博彩官方网站希望澳门网上博彩官方网站在疫情爆发后变得更加强大, and it is clear we are on that path.”

The award reflects Northwest’s work throughout the pandemic to maintain on-ground operations and services while implementing mitigation measures that decreased the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission on campus. Through the collaborative work of campus leaders and “Green Teams” consisting of employees and students, the University successfully aligned actions with a guiding philosophy encompassing four themes – learning and success, health and safety, agility, and viability.

The University deployed 13 Green Teams as cross-functional groups charged with addressing challenges and opportunities and presenting solutions in short timeframes. The Green Teams, which continue to be used as the University has transitioned its focus toward returning to a more traditional campus experience this fall, address mitigation, vaccinations, 学术日历和学习方式, among other issues.

“The collaboration and support of all members of the institution has allowed for a safe environment for students, 教职员工在澳门网上博彩官方网站生活和学习,” said University Police Lt. Amanda Cullin是该校危机管理团队和绿色团队的负责人. “通过澳门网上博彩官方网站对学习和成功的关注, health and safety, viability and agility, we’ve responded, 调整和前进,同时保持一个强大的学习经验.”

Northwest's mitigation measures throughout the pandemic have included a requirement of face coverings in classrooms. (<a href=''>澳门网上博彩官方网站</a>摄)

Northwest's mitigation measures throughout the pandemic have included a requirement of face coverings in classrooms. (澳门网上博彩官方网站摄)

While Northwest already provides students with a laptop and textbooks as a part of its tuition package, that program has provided students with necessary tools to continue their studies in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments throughout the pandemic. Additionally, 澳门网上博彩官方网站制定了临时评分政策,暂停了留校察看和休学协议, providing peace of mind to students that their academic performance would not be penalized by the drastic changes resulting from stay-at-home orders when the pandemic began.

Related to health and safety, Northwest aligned with local, 州和国家指导要求校园内所有个人都要戴口罩, 除了促进其他COVID-19缓解措施之外, 例如保持社交距离和加强卫生习惯. 再加上对清洁校园设施的重视, 为所有学生和员工提供了洗手液和品牌面罩. 教室里配备了标有“熊猫雷”的消毒液瓶.“随着今年春天公众可以接种COVID-19疫苗, the University partnered with local health care agencies to host mass vaccination clinics that resulted in the distribution of more than 12,000 vaccinations to students, employees and local residents.

Throughout the pandemic, 大学不断评估其环境, 要求校园社区的灵活性,并随着条件的变化而适应. The University has provided consistent communication of mitigation measures and other initiatives throughout the pandemic, in addition to posting signs in all areas of campus and maintaining a webpage dedicated to COVID-19 information and answering frequently asked questions.

At the same time, 澳门网上博彩官方网站在2020年秋季迎来了创纪录的入学人数 and 在2021年春季学期,研究生人数创下新高. The University continues to outperform statewide peers in retention and recorded a rate of 76 percent – the second-highest in the institution’s history – during fall 2020 while its second-to-third year persistence rate reached an all-time high of 85 percent.

Northwest also has aided students, 通过战略支持员工和维护运营, 在大流行期间采取慎重和渐进的行动. It did not invoke layoffs, 像其他机构那样裁员或减薪, 大学最大限度地利用了通过冠状病毒援助收到的资金, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

该大学将《澳门网上博彩官方网站》的资金用于培训, technology, licenses and other remote learning needs that have allowed students and faculty to continue courses in synchronous and asynchronous environments throughout the pandemic. (<a href=''>澳门网上博彩官方网站</a>摄)

该大学将《澳门网上博彩官方网站》的资金用于培训, technology, licenses and other remote learning needs that have allowed students and faculty to continue courses in synchronous and asynchronous environments throughout the pandemic. (澳门网上博彩官方网站摄)

西北航空公司发放了900多万美元, 占其收到的《澳门网上博彩官方网站》资金的64%, 直接给学生提供帮助和退款. 此外,该大学还投资了约3美元.900万美元的《澳门网上博彩官方网站》资金用于远程学习需求, including training, technology and licenses; $908,000 funded mitigation tools on campus, such as air purifiers, plexiglass barriers and touchless faucets; and nearly $200,为优先考虑学生和员工的健康和安全,在检测和接触者追踪方面投入了5万美元.

Northwest’s efforts during the pandemic are focused on ensuring students continue their progress toward graduation, sustaining enrollment and operations, 并支持学生和员工保持健康和幸福.

“The learning environment and safety of our employees and students were always kept in the forefront of decision making,” Northwest Provost Dr. Jamie Hooyman said. “With this, 还有一些了不起的、有创造力的教职员工, 西北在一片混乱中不仅盛行,而且繁荣昌盛. Bearcats are adaptable, resilient and creative, 如果澳门网上博彩官方网站忠于澳门网上博彩官方网站的使命——即使在面临挑战的时候——澳门网上博彩官方网站将找到正确的道路, create success by supporting one another, and learn and grow along the way.”

AASCU此前已认可澳门网上博彩官方网站在2019年的学生成功和大学毕业, 2018年Christa McAuliffe优秀教师教育奖, 2017年为可持续发展和可持续发展,2015年为澳门网上博彩官方网站. 澳门网上博彩官方网站是美国第三所两次获得麦考利夫奖的大学, having first received it in 2006.


Recipients of AASCU’s Excellence and Innovation Awards were recognized during the association’s annual meeting Nov. 8 in Clearwater, Florida.

The Excellence and Innovation Awards program annually honors AASCU member institutions for excellence and innovation in the areas of civic learning and community engagement, regional and economic development, student success and college completion, sustainability and sustainable development, teacher education, international education, and leadership development and diversity.

 “我很荣幸能够表彰这些卓越创新奖的获奖者, who demonstrated immense creativity, resilience, 以及在艰难的一年里的奉献精神,” AASCU President Dr. Mildred García said. “这些机构正在为优先考虑公平铺平道路, student success, 作为地方管理者,推动他们多样化的社区和地区向前发展.”

Winning entries must show evidence that the institution’s initiative had top-level administrative support, 与其使命和战略议程相联系, 对重大的机构改进或规划作出贡献, was grounded in research, and incorporated best practices.

AASCU is a Washington, D.C.由近400所公立大学组成的美国高等教育协会, 其成员共享以学习和教学为中心的文化的大学和系统, a historic commitment to underserved student populations and a dedication to research and creativity that advances their regions’ economic progress and cultural development.

About Northwest Missouri State University

With an enrollment of more than 7,800 students, Northwest is a coeducational, primarily residential four-year university that offers a broad range of undergraduate and selected graduate programs on its Maryville campus as well as its Northwest-Kansas City location and through Northwest Online.

Founded in 1905, Northwest is home to the Missouri Arboretum and has been named one of the “50 Most Amazing University Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in the U.S.这所大学也一直在美国大学排名中名列前茅.S. 《澳门网上博彩官方网站与世界报道》在中西部的顶尖大学中名列前茅.

注重以专业为基础的学习,帮助毕业生在职业生涯中获得快速起步, 澳门网上博彩官方网站拥有很高的留校率和毕业率,在同类学校中占90%. Additionally, results of its 2019-20 satisfaction survey show Northwest students are more satisfied than students at national peers while 82 percent of all Northwest students report they would repeat their University experience, 相比之下,全国接受调查的学生中有75%的人这样认为.  

Furthermore, 96 percent of Northwest bachelor’s degree earners and 99 percent of master’s degree earners secure employment or continue their education within six months of graduation, according to the most recent data. 求职网站Zippia将澳门网上博彩官方网站评为密苏里州最适合找工作的大学.



Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215