在决定需要包含哪些内容和页面之后, a site map can be laid out to help establish navigation and organization of pages.
下载澳门网上博彩官方网站的示例 网站大纲模板 开始建立新的或修改后的站点地图. You'll find an example with some recommendations in this document.
Provide the basics of what information needs to be displayed on a certain page. Then, decide what template to use to properly display that information. 有关要使用的不同模板的示例,请查看 模板和布局页面.
After identifying what pages you need and outlining the content on them, 可以创建基本的线框. A wireframe is a 'mockup' of an individual webpage or elements of a webpage. 网站团队将在构建页面时引用这些.
并不是所有的页面都需要线框. Many times only homepages and main landing pages have a need to go through the planning stage of creating a wireframe. Interior or consent pages often work with a simple layout that this step would be unnecessary to do.
These can be a basic drawing of a page(s) and the layout/order of content on it. Wireframing can be done with screenshots with notes or they can even be drawn on white board or pencil to paper.
Faculty and staff members school/department that wish to update their individual webpage can use this 人员页面内容模板 . Please, share this document with new or returning 教师 and staff. 完成后,这些可以返回 webteam@und-ich.com.
- New 教师 在培训时间内有机会爆头吗. A time will be set with Multimedia services during their first day on campus.
- 其他所有人, headshots are available on the first working Monday of each month in the studio (2nd 东翼行政楼). 参观 头像预约调度程序 选择您的时间为新的或刷新头像.
如果一个程序, 主修或辅修, page needs updated we have a content guide to help collect information our team can use to build a refreshed and relevant webpage for the program.
你可以用这个 程序页内容模板 . Fill this out to the best of your ability and focus on connecting ideas for our team to finalize and fill in the pieces. 然后,将此文档共享给 webteam@und-ich.com.
自助服务照片: 为网页查找照片, 获得高质量的, 可下载的照片或徽标为自己设计的内容.
Use caution with photos from miscellaneous web sources as the University may not have rights to use the photos. Look for open licensed files or use a stock service like Adobe Stock to ensure photos are from legal sources.
提示: 确保你的照片是RGB模式,而不是CMYK模式
提示: 一般来说,在网络上使用WEBP或JPG文件.
Here is a template to help make header images that look nice on all devices. 注意不同屏幕尺寸下的裁剪.
Instructions to crop header images in Cascade can be found here:
Here is a template to create the circle photo in the Photo quote panel.
Adobe Reader 免费下载. But to make edits, a software like adobeacrobatpro是必需的,并且需要付费使用. 如果您没有所需的软件, many lab computers on campus have enterprise licenses to Adobe and include Acrobat Pro. Or, you can request edits from the web or design teams in the Marketing office.
pdf文件上的评论对请求编辑很有帮助. 更多关于 PDF标记和注释 从Adobe.
adobeacrobatpro是必需的,并且需要付费使用. 如果您没有所需的软件, many lab computers on campus have enterprise licenses to Adobe and include Acrobat Pro. Or, you can request a fillable PDF from the web or design teams in the Marketing office.
要在adobeacrobat中创建可填写表单:(请参阅原文 创建一个PDF表单帮助指南 从Adobe获得更深入的指导)
更多关于 PDF表单 从Adobe.